How To Teach A Child To Read At Home In 10 Effective Steps?
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body” – Joseph Addison
If you are worrying about how to teach a child to read at home, you are at the right place. As kids are much abiding to use mobile phones and gadgets to recreate themselves.
During COVID-19 the use of gadgets have risen. Kids do not want to come out of it. Because of excessive use of gadgets, they are missing on the importance of reading. Some doesn’t even know how to read?
We understand It’s a real struggle for you. We understand teaching a child to read at home has become a big turn off to you. But relax and take a seat, we have got you covered.
But before we see the steps to teach a child to read, here are its benefits.
Benefits of Teaching A Child To Read
You may recourse for reading good books, a worth article, or imaginative stories to quench your thirst for knowledge, or maybe it acts as a stress buster for you.
Likewise, kids are also stressed, do you know how? When they react violently on wanting to study, when they want to stick with mobile phones and gadgets for their amusement, they are probably avoiding their boring schedule.
They also think that reading books are just a part of their studies. But you as a parent can take them to this magical world of imagination and knowledge and show them how can reading change their lives.
What you have to do is just sit with them with a colorful picture book and very soon they will enchant themselves in adventures of reading.
Let’s discuss some benefits of teaching a child to read at home so that it will help you to understand how to teach a child to read at home in a better way.
- It will build a lovable bond with your kid. When you spend time with him by reading a book he feels close to you. It will create an emotional connection and well-being to him.
- A delightful experience for sure. You will end up giggling on some cute stories you come to know from him related to stuff which he never shared with you before.
- Reading will help him to build a vocabulary. Reading them aloud will make him learn it and further he will use it in his day-to-day life.
- Calms your child to some extent. Whenever you will see that kid is reacting violently or maybe sad you can cuddle up to him by reading books.
- It promotes a longer attention span of a kid. He will concentrate more and indulge himself to listen and read.
- It enhances the imagination power of kids, which will help him further to think creatively.
- It will help to expand the kid’s chain of knowledge. Like if he is interested in cars, he will develop more vocabulary of means of transportation.
- It will promote thinking skills. By reading some stories they will come to know the difference between right and wrong.
- A child develops empathy with the characters. He feels sad or happy with them and enjoys reading.
- Reading some books related to the fantasy world will make them understand what is real or not.
- Reading will become fun for him, not a chore, and soon he will form a habit of it.
Let’s explore some quickies to make your child a good reader.
How To Teach A Child To Read At Home? – Follow 10 Steps
To teach kids how to read at home, you just need to try these simple and trustworthy strategies.
1. Modest Techniques
Make reading experience with the kid in a very interactive manner.
For toddlers, you can sing a nursery rhyme and clap before you start reading. With young ones, you can give a thought-provoking question that can hint them to read something interesting.
You can also make play cards at home for some simple words and introduce them to kid while reading same in a book, so they will read it properly and can learn spellings too.
Make sure while reading your voice must be enthusiastic and loud. It will help him to engage more to read.
2. Active Involvement
Participate actively with a child. It must be a mere question asked about the situation or maybe suggestions for ending. Try to make him more judgmental and that’s all, he will automatically involve in reading.
Ask questions frequently, like now what will happen? What will be the ending? What you think my child? What will you do if this happens to you? He will be happy to answer you and enjoy reading
3. Encourage variations
One thing to make sure is to provide him with books related to his age group only. So, he can easily find words, spell them correctly, and build up vocabulary.
When you feel that his interest is getting more in reading than you introduce some variations which have new opportunities and challenges, which will enhance his learning ability, and he will not get bored.
4. Be a role model
Remember that nobody has time to watch you out, but two tiny eyes will always be on you – that is of your child. Kids imitate their parents in all aspects of life.
So don’t hesitate to take a book or novel in your leisure time and enjoy reading. You will set a good example for him, and he will soon discover that reading is a part of life.
5. Have patience
It is a very important factor to keep in mind. Deal with your kid tenderly when it comes to making him read. Don’t force them or stress them out. Just plan some exciting activity before reading and slowly make them friendly with books.
Play with them and pronounce any random word, ask them to search in a book and gear up a journey of reading.
6. Maintain schedule
Choose an appropriate time for a child to make them read. Don’t hustle to just give a book in his hand and say you start reading and I will listen by doing my work. A big no for this condition, as a child will take reading for granted.
First relax yourself and choose a time when both of you will enjoy reading and the work will be done.
7. Practice Memorizing Words
Introduce sight words that they can use in day to day conversation. Try to make him memorize it by intentionally using it in talks. Honestly, you’re just not fascinating reading in them but can achieve a goal of a lifelong learner.
8. Genre classification
Introduce him to some genre of books. It can simply call as types of books, by which children can distinguish between real and fake concept.
Here’s the list of genre.
- Nonfiction
- Fantasy
- Fiction
- Romance
- Mystery
9. Phonemic awareness
“Phonemes” refers to the smallest sounds in the English language. It is an important component of reading.
The child learns from the sound effectively than spellings. By pronouncing the sound of a letter properly you can make him learn alphabets, and they remember it.
10. Have fun together!!!
Put a big smile on your face and transform a positive vibe in your child. Enjoy reading and make fun out of it.
Let them to do a long walk in the book.
Let your kid be who they are and as a parent don’t stress them in the beginning. Go slowly, in a fruitful manner and make sure that your child finds reading a pleasurable activity.
At last, just want to say that reading is a powerful activity. It built a social interaction between adults and kids. As a parent, we must encourage our child to read. It allows stability for them to grow up in the challenging atmosphere of the world.
Here, some practical suggestions are given for how to teach a child to read at home. Don’t put it up as a checklist but be very judgmental to implement it according to your child’s age and interest.
Hope you enjoyed reading. If any query or suggestion, leave a comment. We will get back to you.
Also, how far do you like or enjoy reading?
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