Parenting Tips

How To Help Kids Focus With 6 Steps?

How To Help Kids Focus With 6 Steps?

“Stop playing and concentrate on your studies” I guess that’s the only thing that kids hear all day. Plus, with the pandemic locking up the schools, children now has new distraction. Their online classes are teaching them less, and distracting them more. That’s the reason why many parents want to learn how to help kids…

Is It Normal For Kids To Talk To Themselves? 2 Positive Aspects

Is It Normal For Kids To Talk To Themselves? 2 Positive Aspects

How many times have you seen your kids murmuring? How many times do you question yourself why my daughter talks to someone in her room? A child in their growth and development stage have this constant habit of talking to themselves. Parents often think is it normal for kids to talk to themselves? Well, the…

How To Teach Child Respect? The 10 Steps Guide

How To Teach Child Respect? The 10 Steps Guide

What influences us the most? To me, its human behavior, specially when it’s rude and disrespectful. What if it comes from your child? Will you accept that kind of behavior? Would you want your child to be considered as disrespectful in front of others? Of course not! With that concern, it’s important to know how…