How Long Does a Marriage Last after Infidelity?
If you’re in a relationship for any length of time, the last thing you want to hear is that your partner has been unfaithful. The discovery of cheating can feel like a personal violation and leave you feeling devastated, hurt, angry, and guilty.
After an affair, both of you may feel like you have lost a significant piece of your relationship and worry about how long does a marriage last after infidelity.
It may become difficult to rebuild trust, and even more difficult to rebuild a relationship that was based on mutual respect.
In some cases, it is possible for a long-term relationship to survive after an affair. While other couples may decide to part ways. In fact, some may even find it difficult to deal with or react to such situations.
What is Infidelity?
In simple terms, infidelity is cheating on your partner while in a relationship. Whether you all are dating, in the commitment phase, or married. If your partner has an affair or you have an affair with somebody else without your partner knowing about it, it is called infidelity.
It is devastating for both as they experience the hurt together when it comes out. It leaves them emotionally drained – where one feels betrayed and the other guilty.
Also, there can be various types of infidelity like physical, emotional, or social, and not to mention each one is equally painful.
The Impact of Infidelity on a Marriage
Whether you have been cheated on or you cheated on your partner. How do you move on? How do you deal with the pain?
Infidelity can leave you broken in marriage and moving on takes time, effort, and devotion from both partners. Mostly, the disloyal partner is one of the main reasons for divorce. Studies have shown that about 60% of marriages that experience infidelity end in divorce.
Infidelity is not just the physical act of cheating but emotional betrayal. When a spouse cheats, it feels like a personal attack.
It feels like the person you love hurts you. And it’s not just the betrayed spouse who suffers, the one who did it often feels immense guilt and shame, which can lead to further problems in the relationship.
So, if your marriage is facing tough times, Infidelity may be the issue that pushes you over the edge and you may need to work on some areas that still feel unresolved.
How Long Does a Marriage Last After Infidelity?
The question of the millennium is how long does a marriage last after Infidelity?
Statistics show that about 60% of marriages survive an affair. Strange, isn’t it? But other studies also suggest that separation between cheating couples is three times more than that of loyal couples.
But that number varies depending on several factors.
For example, if the cheating spouse is confronted and admits to the affair, the marriage has a better chance of surviving than if they deny the affair.
If the affair is discovered through wiretapping or other covert methods, the marriage is less likely to survive – not saying all, but to an extent, there are chances of separation.
So several variables go into determining how long a marriage lasts after Infidelity.
Ideally, if we look at the social perspective couples should part ways after being found guilty of cheating. But it’s not always the case. Some couples take time to recover from the pain, heal their wounds and bounce back stronger.
Tips for Rebuilding a Marriage after Infidelity
So your spouse has cheated on you. What do you do? Or you have cheated on your partner; how are you feeling now?
Do you have plans to admit your fault and want to work on your relationship?
If you’re the one who’s been cheated on, you’re probably feeling a range of emotions right now. Shock, disbelief, betrayal, and rage are just a few.
If you’re the one who’s been unfaithful, you’re likely feeling guilt, shame, and remorse.
So what do you do now? How do you rebuild a marriage after Infidelity?
There are a lot of different things you can do, but here are a few tips to get you started:
Give Yourselves Time to Heal
First of all, take some time out for yourself to process what’s happened. But, don’t make any decisions in the heat of the moment because you’re likely to regret them later.
Once you’ve had some time to calm down, it’s time to start thinking about what steps you want to take to repair your marriage.
It will be a long, exhausting, and challenging process, but it’s worth it if you want to save your relationship.
End That Affair
Ending the affair is the least you can do to rebuild your relationship. Cut off all the methods of communication and focus on your partner.
Give quality time to your partner, make them realize their worth, and feel sorry for the blunder you have committed. Erase the past and write
Seek out Professional Help if Needed
Seeking professional help is the best thing you can do to save your marriage. Obviously, at this point, you both may not be in a good state of mind to make wise decisions and save your relationship.
So it’s better to let a professional guide you and help you rebuild trust in each other.
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Don’t try to Minimize What Happened
A casual approach towards your disloyalty can be the last nail in the coffin. Therefore don’t try to minimize what has happened. Instead, take responsibility for your actions.
Acknowledge The Pain and Hurt That You Have Caused
Don’t ignore the fact that you were disloyal in your relationship. Instead, acknowledge the pain you caused to your partner and be available for them in their healing process.
Be Honest and Transparent with Each Other
So, how to regain trust after cheating on your boyfriend or girlfriend or let’s say your spouse?
Well, starting over after infidelity is the most challenging task in a relationship. Many people would say that it’s over. And in fact, a lot of relationships end after one partner has been unfaithful.
Some couples have managed to rebuild their relationships after an affair. It takes a lot of work, but with time, patience, and love, it is possible to forgive and forget.
The key is to remember that trust is the foundation of any successful relationship. If you can’t trust your partner, the relationship will fail.
Wrap Up
There’s no guarantee for how long does a marriage last after Infidelity, but there are some ways you can follow to improve the hurt and strengthen the bond for your relationship to survive.
Talk to your partner about what happened and why it happened. Be honest and open, and be prepared to listen to your partner’s side of the story.
Second, seek out guidance if you can’t find ways to help yourself.
Finally, commit to rebuilding your relationship. This won’t be easy, but it is possible if both of you are willing to work on the connection and trust.