8 Tips to Boost Cognitive Development in 5-7 Years Old

As a parent, you are always on your toes to do everything you can to help your child thrive. When it comes to toddlers, cognitive development at 5-7 years old can be a challenging one, worry not we got you covered for this!
Play is an important part of cognitive development. Yes, you read that right! Hold on to drills and flashcards, the actual learning starts in the playground where you can boost the cognitive development of 5-7-year-olds.
But how? Keep reading to learn.
Ways to Boost Cognitive Development 5-7 years old
Children under the age of 5-7 years possess minds like fertile fields, full of potential waiting to be planted with the seeds of creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
And do you know what fertilizer is the most powerful? Let them play!
So, set aside worksheets and flashcards and use these 8 tips to unleash the potential of playtime for the cognitive development of 5-7 years old.
Spark Curiosity
Asking “Why?” is a spark, not simply a bother!
If your child asks questions often then celebrate. Yes, as they want to dig on, and what your part is to promote their inquiry, welcome their investigation, and honor their curiosity.
Whether they are holding a running bug or just looking at the beauty of the moon, let them enjoy and be ready for some questions as it is the foundation of their ongoing cognitive development.
Playful Partners
Allow those little hands to be your partner in your daily chores. Believe me, it’s their favorite playtime.
Sorting groceries, arranging things, or baking cookies with you gives them immense happiness and it helps to boost cognitive development side by side. What’s better than this?
Let me tell you the secret, if you involve your child in your routine work it will allow them to learn and also have an enjoyable adventure.
These routine jobs can be mentally stimulating activities that keep them indulged.
Let them Move!
Keep those little busy bees moving as it seems to be an excellent approach for cognitive development in 5-7 years old.
Let them move, it will not only keep them physically fit but also elevate their mood and help them to improve brain health.
Encourage them to join you in your exercise routine, maybe they love to follow you in the house. Take them for a walk or a play date in the garden. Give them brownie points for identifying the bird calls, counting leaves, and identifying various ecosystems, hence nature in action!
More Games, More Fun!
Introduce age-appropriate educational games to your child to improve their cognitive development. Board games and memory games can sharpen their memory, enhance their critical thinking abilities, and even regulate their emotions to handle win or defeat gracefully.
You can think beyond that classic game too. Just hide things in your house and ask your child to find them, you can make your memory games by adding colorful pictures or simply play ‘I Spy’ and those little brain muscles have serious workouts!
Happy Playing!
Tell Stories, Make Memories!
Weave tales together! Telling stories is a language lab that fosters empathy, language skills, and creativity in addition to providing enjoyment. You can also read aloud their favorite stories and ask questions to change the narration. It will be a fun-filled experience and an emotional roller coaster ride.
Children can learn to express their emotions freely through storytelling and also it helps them to strengthen their vocabulary which is a part of cognitive development in 5-7 years old.
Foster Creativity
Provide your child with creative tools like a box of crayons, a pile of clay, or any musical instrument. Let their creative juices flow, these tools are a magic wand for them to bring all the possibilities to draw, fail, and try again to portray their imagination.
By fostering creativity, you can promote cognitive development in your child by recalling that every child is unique and has an abundance of magic in them.
Let us create an environment that allows their inner stars to shine, their imaginations to fly, and their creativity to dance.

Promote Healthy Sleep Habits
Sleep is a powerhouse fuel for developing bodies and minds, not simply a lazy luxury! Good sleep habits are the key to happy, healthy children, as they enhance immunity and help youngsters develop strong minds thus helping to boost cognitive development in 5-7 years old.
You can make bedtime a calming routine by introducing activities like snuggling with their favorite book or dimming the light and making the surroundings cozy.
Limit screen time
Reducing screen time for children helps them to improve various brain activities thus it plays an important role in boosting cognitive development in 5-7 years old.
Set and maintain regular screen time limits based on your child’s age. Recall that children pick up habits through observation, so establishing healthy digital limits for yourself can serve as a strong model for them.
Final Thought
Lastly, it’s clear that by exploring playful pathways we can achieve cognitive development in 5-7 years, hence play is not all about entertainment but it’s an essential part of the overall development of the child.
It is simply a key to unlock the child’s boundless potential. From the messy joy of muddy puddles to the thrill of board games, from the soar of storytelling to the wonder of observing a butterfly, play is the language of learning and the fuel of growth.