9 Reasons Why Relationships Fail

Relationships either make your life a heaven or hell, there’s no in-between! A healthy relationship has everything like understanding, compatibility, love, care, and respect for their partners. However, you miss one spice, and there is an imbalance.
Therefore it’s essential to maintain a balance in your relationship, and for that, both of you have to contribute equally. Otherwise, what gets more attention is issues over love.
9 Reasons Why Relationships Fall Apart
A relationship has many needs. It doesn’t only require love to survive. And couples who understand this work on various relationship ingredients to make it last.
While others who want to be in a fairyland think only love will suffice their relationship.
For your information, here I have curated a list of reasons why relationships fail, so you can improve your bond with your partner.
You Both are Not the Right Suit for Each Other
It is the first and foremost reason why most relationships fail. If you’re in a relationship and don’t feel like the other person is right for you, your connection will not survive.
The best way to know if a relationship is right for you is to research your interests and values. If they don’t match up with what the other person wants, it might be time to move on.
For example, let’s say you are dating someone who loves reading or enjoys playing video games. Or maybe they’re into sports while you aren’t interested at all.
So, This could cause tension over time because you would have nothing in common except love for each other—and even that isn’t enough sometimes!

You Don’t Trust Each Other.
Trust is a critical component of any relationship, but it can also be one of the most difficult to build.
In fact, lack of trust is an important reason why relationships fail these days.
Trust is a feeling that someone will do the right thing and not hurt you. Trust is also about knowing that there isn’t anything to hide from each other—you can be yourself in front of them without fear of judgment or criticism, which makes both partners feel comfortable enough to share their thoughts without fear of repercussions.
If either person doesn’t feel like they can trust their partner completely, it will make them feel insecure in their relationship, which leads us to our next point.
There’s Equal Suffocation
Giving each other space is another crucial thing required for your relationship and personal growth. It improves trust, intimacy, and happiness with your spouse.
For instance, your partner may want to go out with friends more often than you.
Similarly, you might want to spend time alone or visit your family members. But you guys often disagree with each other’s choices.
Then it will lead to the other person feeling suffocated.
Also, why many relationships fail nowadays is that we’re living our lives day-to-day without having enough downtime. There aren’t any moments where we can reflect on what happened over the last few days and figure out what worked or didn’t work as well as it could have been done.
When we don’t allow ourselves enough of such opportunities, everything else seems like too much work, and relationships become overwhelming rather than enjoyable!
And over time, it is considered a failed relationship.
Lack of Communication
Lack of transparency is yet another reason why relationships fail.
For communication to work, both parties have to be committed to listening and communicating their needs and understanding each other’s point of view.
If there’s no desire or effort on either side to discuss with one another, then it makes sense how communication would become an issue that leads to failure in a relationship!
So instead of keeping your feelings bottled up inside, speak up, communicate with your partner, and work together towards the solution.
Lack of Balanced Intimacy

Genuinely, new couples take time to get intimate with each other, leading to relationship issues.
So, if you are in a relationship and don’t feel a connection with your partner, it’s essential to address the issue.
The best thing you can do is be honest with your partner and explain how it affects your mood in the relationship.
It may be awkward at first, but it will be worth it if it helps them understand your needs in this relationship.
You are Not Adding Value to Each Other’s Life
It is the most underrated yet essential factor in why a relationship ends.
It is a tough road to travel if your partner has nothing to offer in a relationship. You need to ensure that the other person brings something of value to the table.
The same is true for you: you also should be bringing something valuable or important to your relationship. This could be a strength or skill set they don’t have, or perhaps a different way of thinking about things that can help them out.
Whatever it is, make sure it’s something positive and constructive before moving forward with the relationship!
Imbalanced Contribution
The key to a successful relationship is that both partners are willing to work hard and contribute equally. If both of you aren’t on the same page, willing to make compromises, and give up some of your time and money, there will be conflicts.
And no matter how long you have been in the relationship, it is bound to end if one of you is least bothered to contribute your part to the relationship.
Differences in Opinion
This happens when you have different priorities in life, such as career goals or lifestyle preferences.
For example, you’re looking forward to starting a family while your partner doesn’t want children.
Or maybe one person wants to travel while their partner prefers staying at home with their family. Or perhaps one of you is more religious, and the other is atheist.
Too much Interference of Family And Friends in Your Relationship
It’s common for friends and family to be concerned about your relationship.
They can be a great source of support if you’re in a tough spot, but they also know you better than anyone else does.
So, If they’ve noticed something that seems off, it’s worth listening to them.
However, listening to them is OK to the point where they don’t start interfering in your life. When they give too much advice and suggestions, your significant other starts feeling uncomfortable.
If it continues for a long time, it may lead to feuds between the two of you.
Relationships are full of ups and downs, and sometimes it takes an expert on your side who knows how to keep things positive when times are tough! This is where you can take the help of the relationship coaches.
They will assist you in directionless situations and help you strengthen your bond with your spouse.
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Wrap up
I hope this article has given you some insight into the reasons why relationships fail and how you can avoid them.
It’s never too easy to accept our faults, but to make relationships work, we need to improve on our part as well.
No matter how big the differences are – unconditional love and support for each other should never be out of stock.
Plus, if we do not take the blame for things going wrong in our relationships, we will never be able to fix them. So go ahead, forgive your partner and start working on making it stronger.
After all, we all need love to survive in this effed world!