Counseling Sessions (Appointments Required)

Love and Relationships are indeed a priority part of our lives. They are that one dot that connects to hundreds of other dots – family, spouse, children, responsibilities, career, friends, etc. So it is no big deal to notice high downs in your bond with any of them – especially your partner.

However, when they are going through a tough time, they are not in a state to be able to look after their emotional well-being and analyze the root cause of the problems. That is when Relationship Counselling comes into place.

If you think you haven’t been having a good time with your spouse, girlfriend, or boyfriend and you can’t figure out how to improve the bond, move on from the hurt/breakup, or work on yourself – then it may be the time you consider taking counseling.


Showing all 7 results

  • Online counselling service, online counselling, rukayya zirapur,

    1 Hour Relationship Counselling Session


    Counselling Session Time:  1 Hour, starts at 11 AM IST 

    Note: Reach out to the Counselor before you book an appointment either via email at or 8830604694

  • Sale! online counseling services online counselling relationship ocunseling rukayya

    4 Online Counseling Services


    4 Online Counseling Services

    Note – Reach the Counselor before Booking an Appointment. or 8830604694

  • Sale! online counselling service

    7 Relationship Counselling Sessions Pack


    Counselling Session Time:  1 Hour, starts at 11 AM IST. 

    Note: Reach out to the Counselor before you book an appointment either via email at or 8830604694

  • couple counseling relationship counseling

    Book Couple Counseling & Coaching Session 2022


    Counselling Session Time:  1 Hour, starts at 11 AM IST 

    Important – No bookings between 15th October to 23rd October 2022.

    Note: It is recommended to reach out to the Counselor before you book the appointment either via email at or 8830604694

  • relationship counseling

    How to Build Resilient Relationships? A Thorough Guide!


    Imagine a relationship that weathers every storm, stands strong through life’s ups and downs, and flourishes with love and understanding. Sounds like a dream, right? But what if I told you that it’s not just a fantasy, it’s something you can achieve?

    Hello, and welcome to “How to Build Resilient Relationships: A Thorough Guide!” I’m Rukayya Zirapur, your guide on this journey to unlocking the secrets of resilient relationships. After years of working with individuals and couples, I’ve discovered that the key to a lasting and fulfilling relationship isn’t just about avoiding conflicts but how you bounce back from them.

    In this guide, we will look into practical, real-world strategies to help you and your partner survive and thrive in your relationship. You will also find actionable tips, engaging examples, and exercises designed to make the journey toward a stronger connection – enlightening and enjoyable.

    Now if you are ready to transform your relationship, please go ahead to download it for yourself.

  • emotional connection in a relationship, emotional intelligence how long does it take someone to fall in love

    How To Improve Emotional Connection In A Relationship?


    Reached 300 sales today (06/04/21). Keeping it on sale for a month ✅❤ for just 79/-

  • Finding peace and closure

    Moving On: Finding Peace and Closure


    Experience the emotional journey of Evan and Sophia as they navigate the complexities of love, loss, and personal growth in this small E-book (Moving On: Finding Peace and Closure).

    Note: Stay on the page after your payment is successful to Download the PDF file of this E-book.