Author: Tasneem Panbihar

What to do When Self-Care Becomes Selfish

What to do When Self-Care Becomes Selfish

Self-care has become a mantra of the modern age. While prioritizing our well-being is crucial for maintaining mental, emotional, and physical health, there may be moments when self-care becomes selfish and leads to feelings of guilt. It is important to navigate the delicate balance between self-care and selfishness which sometimes feels like walking a tightrope….

5 Pros & Cons of Extrovert-Extrovert Relationship

5 Pros & Cons of Extrovert-Extrovert Relationship

Imagine two firecrackers going off simultaneously- it can be a blast! Yes, it’s an extrovert-extrovert relationship, a  dynamic and exciting one, filled with double energy, social adventures, and enthusiasm. An extrovert-extrovert relationship is a dynamic relationship in which couples experience shared passions, infectious energy, and zest for life. However, when two extroverts come together and…

5 Introvert-Introvert Relationship Problems and Solutions

5 Introvert-Introvert Relationship Problems and Solutions

Do you crave quiet evenings tucked away with a book and coffee, only to find your heart skipping a beat of sharing that coziness with someone who truly gets it? Welcome to the beautiful but complex world of introvert-introvert relationships. An introvert-introvert relationship can be rewarding as both partners prefer solitude and deeper connections, but…

7 Ideas to Plan the Perfect Self-Care Day for You and Your Partner

7 Ideas to Plan the Perfect Self-Care Day for You and Your Partner

Planning the perfect self-care day for you and your partner can be an effective way to reconnect, recharge, and strengthen your bond. It is an opportunity to learn about how to have a self-care day with your partner to escape the hustle and embrace togetherness in a nurturing and loving way. Crafting the perfect self-care…