Why Don’t Schools Teach About Money? A Healthy Argument!
Imagine your life has no financial problems. Think for a while how did it happen? Get through the nerves of the situation. Got the answer? No? Do not worry!
I am going to talk about financial literacy today. So far, it was attacked with the sign of ignorance. But you cannot start from one specific reason that why financial literacy is important? If it is crucial for our growth, then why don’t schools teach about money?
Why is it a second-hand topic for most of the schools till now? Let’s study about it!
Ideally, schools are built on moral teachings and opportunities to grow rapidly in our lives.
How have they left such an important subject to teach their students?
Is it too expensive? I don’t think so!
Instead, it will make us more educated about how expensive things can be avoided until we are rich.
Additionally, why is it important for modern age students to read about financial literacy? Okay!! Let’s unravel the definition of financial literacy and its increasing significance in our modern life. There is something unique in this subject, Indeed.
What Is Financial Literacy?
Financial literacy is the effective management of money, in simple terms.
Imagine you are earning 30,000 from your work and 15,000 goes into the priority expenses like accommodation, house bills and many more. The remaining amount is for your personal expenses. The way you spend arises the need for financial literacy.
In the earlier times, there was no such thing as buying expensive products, hanging out with your friends and “forgetting about your future”. People lived a simple life by eating and spending less.
Nowadays, the scenario is changing. People are becoming social. They need to show off their possessions to society.
The most valuable possession is, in fact, our savings. Our expenses are increasing day by day, but our income remains on the same bar. I am going to reveal the most crucial reason why we need to focus on financial literacy more.
It is INFLATION. It is, by far, the only reason why people need to think about how they spend their money. Inflation will tell you to save more to make your budget intact to invest more.
Now, why do we need to calculate the inflation rate? It is because of the rising fluctuations in the goods market. Schools might teach you about inflation, but it is still not exposed that why don’t schools teach about money? And why doesn’t school teach us about life?
The reason why the school doesn’t prepare us for life is their old pattern to impart education. They are not willing to see the change in this pattern; they are not ready to accept these changes as they have to spend more on their part (to be more precise).
We need to know why doesn’t school teach about money so that we can stand up for the future generation.
Although parents want their children to learn the importance of money, they don’t think of providing those lessons by themselves.
If I were to ask for one thing that would make me feel secure about my money today, it would be financial literacy lessons at my early age. Thus, it is never too late to learn about new things unless you are reaching your retirement age.
Why Don’t Schools Teach About Money?
People know how important it is for them to learn about the strategies to save and invest more.
As we know how crucial it is to save more in a highly costly world, the major point should be evaluated. That is – why doesn’t school teach us about money?.
It is important to look over the advantages that I have looked upon. Another question arises from our seed question – why doesn’t school teach anything useful?
Yes, it is another most important question to inquire about the modern education system. When we consider applying for a job, this school education goes out of the league.
Why do we learn things we never use? Taking the extra subjects that are not even useful in the present era is not vital for our growth. Schools can consider introducing a new subject – Personal finance.
Here are 10 personal finance rules school doesn’t teach you that one should learn from their early age.
When I started reading salary slips, I wondered why doesn’t school teach taxes instead of teaching those outdated topics. The outdated pattern of education is the main reason why don’t schools teach about money.
Need for an evolution!!
A modern-day student might think about why don’t schools teach about money because they know how insignificant it is.
People are looking up for opportunities in this highly competitive world. Learning about financial literacy will be effective for them to fetch higher level positions.
Thus, financial literacy is one of the 15 things school doesn’t teach you. Since everything has become digital, the learners look up to the internet to learn things schools should have taught.
Well, what do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section below.