Why Does Love Hurt So Much? An Argument! 2024

Ever been in a phase where you couldn’t utter a word? Or you just went numb and nobody noticed? Or simply showed it off that you are hurting, but, didn’t matter.
Love is something well-connected to your emotions. So, if you are hurt, it will impact your health, leaving you to question why does love hurt so much?
At times, we even start to consider love as a waste of time because it didn’t do good to us. But the question still remains unanswered.
So, Why Does Love Hurt So Much?
There can be several factors that lead us thinking why does love hurt so much. As you browse the content, you will understand more.
The Future Happenings

Have you ever noticed that it is quite difficult for us to live and enjoy the present moment? Suppose, you are the lucky one who has been blessed with a safe and secure love relationship. But still feels like loving someone hurts you.
Do you know why it happens?
In most cases, partners are busy finding the faults in the relationship or partner, instead of enjoying what they have right at the moment.
For example, the questions like ‘when will he introduce me to his friends’ or ‘why didn’t she remember my birthday? And the expectations go on.
Past Relationship Thoughts
Suppose you were in many relationships before the current one. Each time you were a genuine person, but somehow they succeeded in betraying your love for them.
Yes, it becomes difficult to trust someone else after so many heartbreaks, but not impossible. Moving forward is the essential mantra to lead a healthy life ahead. Please do not allow those memories to interfere with your current relationship.
It may happen that this time you have got a genuine one who loves you a lot. But you lose him/her for trying any strategy to not get hurt, and in the process you happen to hurt them.
Betray In Love
In case you have loved someone more than they deserve, or they ever acknowledged or appreciated, the chances of getting hurt frequently increases.
Often our partner takes us for granted in different stages of life. For example, – if he/she doesn’t care for your feelings or become busy enjoying life with someone else is a clear sign of disrespecting your love, your sentiments.
This is what we call love as painful. When someone you love hurts you deeply, you find it hard to digest. Because you were already moving a long way with them in your beautiful imaginations.
Even after all these, we console ‘she hurt me but I still love her’. Love is painful and crazy too. That is why we never stop to question why does love hurt so much.
The Future Uncertainties
Who has seen the future?
We all must make efforts to enjoy every flavor of the present.
But when we are in love and even in the safe hands of our partner, we still fear the uncertain future like the fear of losing them, or due to uncertain past incidents.
This type of feeling of doubt can only disturb your physical and mental peace. You may start feeling anxious or start noticing digestion problems, and so on.

Firstly, no one is sure about their future. Then why damage your present for an unknown situation?
Not That What You Thought
If you think you have found the perfect partner in the universe, you are actually wrong!
It will lead you to situations where you will fall in love with someone at first sight. You will feel like you have got your dream partner. But with time, you will learn about their flaws as well.
For instance, your partner doesn’t have a perfect dressing sense, or maybe they enjoy office time more than you, then these are the situations where you may feel your dreams have broken badly.
But truly, no one can be as it is you want them to be.
A relationship needs time, compromises, and acceptance as soon as it is healthy for you.
Long-Distance Relationship
For some relationships, long-distance is the culprit. You get busy, lack of communication and misunderstandings ruin beautiful spark.
Most times, it is the overthinking that ruins everything. We make it obvious to our partner that we doubt them, or we don’t trust them, or they aren’t enough for us. Which can be handles with care if you wish to.
However, this can be concluded that feeling hurt in a relationship is possible in the following two situations:
- If your love got badly hurt emotionally and deeply – For example, your feelings are disrespected or cheat you or materialistic love.
- Your perception, dreams revolving around that partner were unrealistic. For example, you feel a lack of perfection in your partner, etc.
My Girlfriend Keeps Hurting Me Emotionally, What Should I Do?
Well, here’s how to deal with someone who hurt you emotionally?
If someone has hurt you emotionally, follow the below-mentioned steps:
- You are emotionally hurt, and you are not clear about the reasons behind those. So try to identify the root cause that hurt you.
- We often find it difficult to communicate our pain to others. It helps the injury caused by emotional pain to increase even more. Try to socialize with people even more than before.
- Do not mix your past feeling with the present ones. You may have been cheated by others in the past. But it does not mean that your present one will also betray you.
- It wrongs to blame yourself for any emotional trauma you have had. Even if there were any of your flaws, try to forgive yourself.
- You may have many talents to explore yet. Identify them, make them your identity instead of carrying the hard feelings forever.
- Do what you like doing the most – signing, writing, talking, whatever that brings the best in you whenever you are emotionally disturbed.
- Allow yourself to share your pain and sadness with somebody who you can trust and can help you.
If anyone asks you that ‘he keeps hurting me emotionally’, help her by following the tips accordingly.
What to say to someone who has hurt you deeply?
Well, express what and how you felt? Let the person too express why did they do so? Once that is cleared, you can put up your points that how much you were hurt due to their actions and what’s your decisions after this.
If the communication doesn’t end well, or you can’t even freely breathe in the relationship, then these are the signs your relationship is beyond repair. Getting out of it can be a better solution.
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