Top 4 Styles of Parenting You May Not Be Aware Of!
“Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do.”
– Matt Walsh
The family talks about raising a kid in a way that the child loses his mental health. Parents are yet not aware of styles of parenting. If a kid expresses his feelings, parents feel bad and unloved. They think they did so much in all these years but their kids don’t understand anything.
However, the fact is they somehow fail, or don’t realize that connecting with their child is as much important as raising a child.
Well, parenting styles is the attitude or pattern of parental responsibilities towards a child. They are conveyed to the child with an emotional context for the expression of parental behavior. It doesn’t connect to parenting practice, but parent-child connection or interaction in all settings and situations. (1)
In simple words, How to respond to your child? How to nurture and take responsibilities to help your child lead a better life with you, and in the future as well.
Interestingly, we all raise our children differently. But with all different ways it is important to know whether your parenting style is encouraging positive physical and mental health of the child.
What Are The Four Styles of Parenting?
According to the parenting styles theory, in the 1960s Diane Baumrind categorized styles of parenting into four categories.
- Authoritarian parenting style.
- Permissive parenting style.
- Uninvolved parenting style.
- Authoritative parenting style.
1. Authoritarian Parenting
Authoritarian parents are supposed to have high expectations with their children. They provide very little nurturing in the way of nurturing. In the case of authoritarian parents, they just want their child to follow their unwritten rules.
Authoritative parents characteristics
- Authoritarian parents want to control every aspect of their children’s’ life and behavior. Whether it’s in public or at home they impose their rules on their kids.
- Parents with this style of parenting are often cold and harsh. Nagging and yelling is too common for them.
- Authoritarian parents usually do not believe in encouraging and praising their kids, they just value discipline.
Effects of Authoritarian parents on their children
Children are obedient and proficient, but low in self-esteem.
Children belonging to authoritarian parents usually has low happiness level. They are never allowed to make decisions. They only have to listen to what their parents say.
This makes them feel they are not worthy enough to take their decisions. Even if they do, their parents will judge them.
How To Recover From Authoritarian Parenting
It is accepted worldwide that rules and regulations are a must in order to make a positive development of a child, but it is also believed that an authoritarian parent lacks the warmth and nurturing, which children also need.
Allow your child to be who they are. Don’t let them adjust with your discipline attitude and behavior. Instead, let them have a control of their life, so they can make their decisions. The more you let them free, the more they will stay close to you.
But the more you tie them up in rules, they will tend to break them and disappoint you.
2. Permissive Parenting
The Motto of permissive parents is obvious “kids are kids” so let them do anything they want. They are always admiring their child. Their attitude promotes friendship between them and their children.
Characteristics of Permissive parents
- Permissive parents give freedom of choice to their children.
- Permissive parents are very nurturing and express their love frequently.
- They believe in making few rules and that can be inconsistent. They don’t make it a deal if they don’t follow those rules.
Effects of Permissive parents on their children
Children linked with permissive parents are usually found to have lower academic achievements.
They are mischievous and lack discipline.
Permissive parents usually do not make any guidelines for children, as a result, children struggle to learn problem-solving and decision-making skills.
Children tend to perform misconduct and engage in some unseemly activities.
How to change Permissive parenting?
`It’s really appreciating that you give more importance to nurturing your children but if you want your children to behave properly you need to list down some household rules. Reward them for good behavior it will encourage them surely. But make sure your child understands the penalty for breaking rules.
3. Uninvolved Parenting
Uninvolved parenting is sometimes also referred to as neglectful parenting. In this type of parenting, parents provide basic needs to their child but often seem to be uninvolved in their academics activities. They show very little emotional involvement with their children.
Characteristics of Uninvolved parenting
- Uninvolved parents do not show much interest to take part in any school events and parent-teacher conferences of their children.
- They do not demand any kind of behavior aspects from their children
- Uninvolved parents limit interaction and not emotionally attached to their children
Effects of Uninvolved parents on their children
- Children are emotionally drawn and always in a fear to depend on others to fulfill their needs.
- Due to the negligent behavior of uninvolved parents towards their children, the risk of substance abuse may increase.
- Children become anxious and stressed due to a lack of family support.
How to change uninvolved parenting?
To raise confident children, who are emotionally healthy, parents should support and give love to their children. Children need guidelines from adults that they trust. If left neglected, they literally misbehave and find difficulties to attach with you later in life.
4. Authoritative Parenting
Authoritative parents are highly responsive and also demand reasonably with their children. They are high in expectations but also provide guidance and resource to their children to achieve them.
Characteristics of Authoritative parents
- Authoritative parents expresses warmth and nurturing to their children.
- They place limits on their children according to the situation and also make sure to help them out if children are unable to perform.
- Allow their children to make choices and if their children choose something inappropriate, they make them understand its consequences.
Effects of Authoritative parents on their children
Children develop good social skills and are much confident.
Children linked with authoritative parents have a happier temperament.
They have good emotional control and intellectual about reacting on any matter.
What Is The Best Parenting Style?
The authoritative parenting style considers being the best style of parenting because, in this type of parenting, parents make consistent rules which allow children to know what is expected from them.
You need to pour good emotional understanding into your parent-child relationship. Take control of the situation, less pampering and that’s all to allow your child to act independently.
Always remember one thing, it is your child’s behavior that makes parenting difficult, or it’s your reaction to your child’s behavior that make things difficult.
Hope you understood the styles of parenting. You may post your questions below if you have.
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