You don’t Need Major Reasons to go to Therapy!
The fact that people avoid therapy to not get judged actually put them in a more critical state.
There are absolutely no major reasons to go to therapy. In fact, therapy is a way to look after your mind, body, and soul. If you think it is only for people with disorders, depression, anxiety, and issues, then you are certainly wrong.
The people around us make us believe that talking about our hearts is weak and is something to be ashamed of. But the truth is – Even if you feel the slightest change in your emotions and can’t deal with it or find ways to manage it, therapy is the way to go.
When I began therapy, I wasn’t depressed or mentally retarded.
I actually had no serious reasons to go to therapy. I started because I wanted to improve my confidence, and my self-esteem, and be able to kill all reasons to put myself down.
It is true that therapy is the greatest tool to deal with issues and anxieties, but you don’t really need to have them to get started.
It gives incredible reasons when it comes to building your mind, body, and soul. You can actually invest energy in understanding yourself and encourage a better lifestyle.
Therapy is way more than fixing yourself.
In fact, therapists don’t fix you. They direct you, guide you, and help you deal with areas that you couldn’t do yourself!
Reasons to Go to Therapy
For your information, here are a few things to go to therapy for
Specific Change in Life
Sometimes changes in life are what brings you to counseling.
These changes could be a career change, relationship change, meeting somebody you are unsure of, leaving your city, leaving your home, or anything that has a personal impact on your emotions.
Sudden Mood Swings
You may suddenly see a change in your mood and it lasts longer than you expected. So at such times, you can seek therapy.
The therapist will help you find the root causes of your mood swings and how can you deal with them.
When we see a change in our mood, it equally affects our mental well-being. You stay stressed, irritated, and can’t figure out what to do.
This is why therapy works better here. It gives you space to talk about things and eliminate negative thoughts.
Substance Abuse & Addictions
When your addiction gets too loud that you cannot cope with it, you can look forward to counseling and therapy sessions.
It will help you in calming down when things go wrong. Also, it will slowly and gradually assist you in becoming sober so that you choose therapy over substance next time.
Your Relationship Affects you
You may go through a rough phase in your relationship where you don’t feel like yourself. You will find it hard to deal with certain problems, your partner’s behavior, and situations.
So, during that time you can choose to seek counseling. The counselor will assist you in finding out the root cause of issues in your relationships and ways to heal.
It will be better if you consider Couple Counseling as the therapy will offer you more insights. Otherwise, it will focus on only your part in your relationship.
You have a lot to Talk About, but Nobody to Listen
One of the reasons to see a therapist can also be to have someone to listen to you.
I, personally, see my therapists at times when I just want to express my emotions. I know ‘why’ to my issues, but I look for a different opinion and direction. It keeps me sane.
If you think you have a lot to talk about, you feel heavy and do not want to talk to anyone in your surrounding – go to the Therapist!
Your Parents Fight a lot
At times, your parents fighting too much may affect your emotional and social well-being. It may change the way you look at the outer world and the people around you.
This may not be a serious issue to others, but it may have a wider impact on your life. Especially, your body, mind, and soul.
So, in that case, a Therapist can help you see your life differently and in areas where you don’t feel good enough.
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Your Parents Control your Life & Opinion
Controlling parents are also a reason why do people go to therapy!
If your parents have a say about your life, career, and relationships based on their past experiences, you may feel frustrated. Everything you do or want to do depends on their approval. Otherwise, you can’t take decisions as you want.
So, for that matter, people choose therapy and guidance.
My Therapist Made me Feel even Worst, Should I still Go to Therapy?
Just like we take time to understand the kind of people and relationships we want to have in our lives, it takes time to understand the kind of therapist that will meet your needs.
It is not necessary that the therapist you choose will help you the way you want. This means you may find a therapist of your kind with the flow.
Having a bad experience once or twice doesn’t mean that therapy is not for you or not the right option.
Sometimes, the counselor’s personal opinion affects us and makes us feel worst about ourselves. But that is not the case 90% of the time.
Finding the right counselor for you can take some time, but you need to believe in the process.
And obviously, you don’t need serious reasons to go to therapy. You can whenever and for whatsoever reason you want – be it the tiniest reason!