6 Importance Of Dating Before Marriage For Healthy Lifestyle
Marriage is an important part of our life. Right? Two different people come together into a relationship. It is not a bonding of just two people, but a union of two different families.
It is a debatable topic whether dating is important before marriage or not. But some facts describe the real importance of dating before marriage.
If you are dating before marriage, then you must have started knowing his/her likes and dislikes. You must have realized whether you are compatible with him/her? Whether there are any chances of conflict between you two?
If not, then you have enough time to clear your doubts to a great extent since you are dating before marriage. But why is it so important? Well, let me answer this in detail. Just keep reading till end.
Importance Of Dating Before Marriage?
If you ever had this question that whether seeing someone and dating someone are two different things, then there is no such difference between dating and seeing someone.
It just means you are about to enter any relationship. In case, you haven’t dated before making a commitment, here are the reasons why dating before marriage is important –
The future is not known to anyone. We cannot assume that no conflict will ever arise in the future. So dating before marriage can help you be aware of those conflicting issues much in advance. Then sought out the problem mutually before marriage.
Marriage calls for many responsibilities from both sides. Dating before marriage can help to know if there is any problem in fulfilling those responsibilities from any one side.
It also allows you to get familiar with each other’s expectations for the longer run.
Both of you are going to live with each other forever. So proper knowledge about each other’s likes and dislikes is important to know before marriage. Dating helps to know if there is any characteristic of your partner that can suffocate you after marriage.
Both of you are different from different lifestyles (maybe). So there are possibilities that both of you have different ambitions and plans. But yes, it is better to communicate about the plans (if possible) before marriage.
Dating before marriage enables both sides to know each other’s past life situations. This can either strengthen your relationship or may signal you about the negative sides of that relationship.
A long discussion in dating enables both the side to understand whether their ideologies, beliefs match any point or not.
These are the vital reasons that signify the importance of dating in a relationship.
Now if you are willing to date, but feel shy then no worries! Follow the 10 rules of dating, and you will be ready for perfect dating.
- You must continue dating your would-be partner for some time atleast.
- No one other than you and your would-be should present on the date like kids, elders, and so on. Both should spend time with each other all alone.
- Try to keep all your stress, tension, or any other problem away for this special day i.e. dating.
- When your partner tries to fix the next dating time, appreciate the decision (if possible).
- When you are dating someone, never allow your cell phone to distract your discussion. So keep those gadgets silent during the dating period.
- You may get a chance to spend time with your would-be in a movie. Do not forget to order any meal or at least coffee. It’s your choice to order it before or after the movie.
- Try to fix a consistent dating period. Say, for example, once in a week.
- Try to remain charming when you are on a date with someone.
- Try to be protective and do not reveal all about yourself on the first date only.
- This is your first date. So you may become very eager to show your curiosity to date your partner. But that’s a wrong action. Avoid it. Because your eagerness can scare off your partner.
If you follow all these rules and below-mentioned tips properly, you can determine whether entering into a relationship is a good decision or not.
This is the answer to those who say, “I don’t know how dating works“. Dating helps to know the reality of your would-be.
How To Be Good At Dating?
Here are some vital tips for dating someone new:
- Enjoy the dating moment thoroughly and freely.
- Do not go for comparing your partner or yourself with someone else.
- Do not lose honesty and do not try controlling your emotions. Let them open up.
- Give attention to your partner
- Give compliments if they are genuine.
- Avoid talking about other people.
- Try asking relevant questions
- Last but do not forget to be kind and romantic to your would-be.
What Is Dating Someone?
A chance to know someone clearly before getting into a relationship. Wow! Here are 4 dating relationship stages.
First face-to-face interaction
The very first meeting where both of you come to know a few things about each other. This stage makes you feel as if there is any curiosity for the next meeting.
In this stage, your interests have grown so much that may signal you if both of you are attracted towards each other. You have to be confident at this stage whether the attraction is for love or just an infatuation.
At this stage, the intimacy starts growing, and strong trust builds up. Both of you start treating each other as a couple.
This is the vital stage where promises, commitments get exchanged from both sides.
Do you wonder when does dating becomes a relationship?
Well, if you and your would-be have successfully passed all the four stages, then move for the vital step i.e. marriage.
Thus, that is how we differentiate dating vs relationship and why is it so important before marriage.
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