How to Make Your Husband Listen to You?

“Darling, we need to discuss something”, is undoubtedly every husband’s nightmare.
They become uncomfortable listening to this one phrase and try every possible way to avoid the conversation, which might often make you think my husband doesn’t listen to my feelings.
But certain ways of communication can make your husband engage in a conversation.
For that matter, I have curated this content so you can get an idea and improve your bond with your husband.
9 Tricks on How to Make your Husband Listen to You?
Now, this is not an easy task! These creatures aka ‘husbands’ don’t believe and actively participate in listening. Instead, they focus on doing.
In fact, sometimes, they forget the “doing” part too.
So it’s a bit difficult to get them to listen to you, and you may continuously crib about the same. But it’s not the case; probably, he may be focused on you, but you are not communicating properly.
Or the fact that he’s not listening to what you want him to – he’s just listening to what he hears.
But no worries here’s how to make your husband listen to you!
Choose The Correct Location
Yes, it may sound silly, but it’s the most important aspect of healthy and successful communication.
You must choose a location devoid of distractions like TV, cell phones, and children, so your husband doesn’t get distracted and genuinely focus on what you have to say.
And when you initiate a conversation – make sure he’s not working, or busy with some other tasks. He has to be free and his mind empty.
The more comfortable space you offer him, he will be all ears to you.
Don’t Express by Taunting
It will help if you communicate by expressing your feelings instead of taunting him about his shortcomings. The moment you taunt him, his mood will instantly switch off, and he would neither be interested in talking to you nor responding.
So, do not ever trigger him with your taunting tone. Plus, if you keep communicating in a similar language, you’ll gradually lose respect.
You’ll feel disappointed that my husband won’t pay attention to me. This is why it is crucial to improve the way you talk and be clear and calm with your emotions.
Be A Good Listener
If you want to feel heard, you’ll have to be a good listener. Remember, communication is a two-way process. When your husband is talking to you, make sure you listen to him and respond in context to the conversation.
When you hear your husband talk and you actively participate in listening, then you won’t get the chance to complain that, ‘my husband won’t listen to me.
Clarify if you don’t understand anything and ask questions. You may or may not agree with him, but understanding what he’s trying to communicate will make him feel heard and validated.
Be Attentive Towards Him

It is very simple – if you want him to listen to you, give him your undivided attention. Once he feels avoided, he will lose interest in you and leave you feeling neglected.
There won’t be any effective communication because you both lie on different pages. This will create distance between you all and he may even start complaining that you don’t listen to him.
If you remember – everything works two ways. You always have to walk half a mile for someone to walk half a mile towards you.
So ensure you are giving him the attention, understanding his emotions and you are present whenever he needs you. That way you may help yourself with how to make your husband listen to you.
Don’t Be Rude, Be Calm
Another important tip is to be calm during conversing. Being rude is a big no while communicating with your husband. It will immediately make him off.
Either he’ll not respond or will respond in a way that you’ll think my husband has no respect for me or my feelings. So be compassionate during the entire conversation, sit beside him, and talk in a tone that directly conveys the message. The tone that he understands – could be or not be out of your comfort zone.
Confirm if He’s Available for a Conversation
Women are sometimes so frustrated that they start venting their emotions out even if the husband is engaged somewhere else, like in the office, in a traffic jam, or having a party with friends.
In this situation, there are zero chances of your husband listening to you, though he may pretend to be doing so.
Also, it’s foolish to talk about serious conversations over the phone or when he’s busy. He might not respond properly, and the whole conversation may get ignored. So ask him when is the correct time to communicate and proceed accordingly.
Communicate Clearly
Put forward your words in the clearest way possible because husbands have the shortest concentration span when it comes to listening to their wives.
If you are just playing with words, they may happen to listen to something and focus on the same that isn’t even important, and lead to a heavy argument.
Be Consistent In Your Efforts

If your husband is not a good listener or doesn’t seem interested in listening to your feelings, don’t get disheartened. Keep your efforts on; he’ll be on track soon. After all, he loves you.
With time he’ll recognize your efforts, understand your feelings and eventually make you feel respected.
Help Him be a Good Listener
In case, none of the above tips work, then try following them in a different way. Where you are the teacher helping your husband listen to you.
Where you don’t have to convince him, but genuinely help him become more vulnerable towards you.
Lastly, remember that it’s okay if you are feeling no emotional connection with your husband at this point due to the communication gap.
Problems like this take time to resolve, so you must be patient. Meanwhile, you can introspect if you can clearly put your points across or just nagging around.
The tips mentioned above answer how to make your husband listen to you, but you too must work on listening to him.
Otherwise, they won’t really work for you.
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