Parental issues

How To Teach A Child To Read At Home In 10 Effective Steps?

How To Teach A Child To Read At Home In 10 Effective Steps?

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body” – Joseph Addison If you are worrying about how to teach a child to read at home, you are at the right place. As kids are much abiding to use mobile phones and gadgets to recreate themselves. During COVID-19 the use of gadgets have…

Top Teenagers Dating Rules To Normalize In 2020
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Top Teenagers Dating Rules To Normalize In 2020

I get how parents get worried about their children while they are growing up. Teenage is an important phase. All other phases are but teenage is when your child starts to understand their emotions, their likes-dislikes and sometimes they misunderstand attraction with love. Teenagers dating rules doesn’t mean to keep your children away from their…

How To Co-parent With A Difficult Ex? 10 Quick Tips

How To Co-parent With A Difficult Ex? 10 Quick Tips

Co-parenting– where you have to put aside all your relationship issues, bitter experiences you faced during pace of break-up and criticism you bared in the process of separation. Everything will heal by time, but how to co-parent with a difficult Ex? How you face a person whom you dislike most? Yes, you need to: not…