A precise guide to making your relationship stronger.
Précise guide to making your relationship stronger.

Have you ever seen a relationship where one of the partners is trying to not hurt the other, while he himself is hurting in the relationship?
In my recent counseling session, I got an opportunity to interact with the person with the most beautiful heart ever. In the interaction, I came to know about his relationship. He was a little disturbed. His work and relationship were not going hand to hand. While he was struggling to build a brand, he was also trying to build his relationship stronger.
He said that he is tired. He is hurting in his relationship, but he doesn’t want to hurt his beloved back. Both of them fight every other day, over any silly reason. And during the fight, his partner hurt him knowingly/unknowingly he doesn’t know, but what keeps them going is his silence while he is hurt.
A lot of times his girlfriend has told him that they wouldn’t be making up for so long if he had hurt her back. The fight breaks the moment he stops reacting, and assures that he would stay whatever happens between them.
The relationship is a very important part of our life. The values that others fail to bring it in you, the relationship does the job. So many people have improved themselves because of their relationship. The habit, behavior, and nature of the person matter so much. And that is why most of the parents recommend their kids to make good friends so as to have a good influence on themselves.
Most people don’t understand this. The consistency is what works. If you are noticing a monster in your relationship, you have to kill the monster. Without you communicating and making efforts for the other to stay, it is not going to work.
Remember, people expect too much, and you have to keep giving selflessly without expecting it in return.
Here, I will show you four important techniques to make your relationship stronger. If you implement these ways in your relationship, you will see the ultimate results from it.
- You yourself need to be positive
In my six years of relationship, I have fought for millions of times, yet my man says he gets positivity from me. He wants to stay because, in the end, I do not let the relationship break.
The positivity, the consistency, and faith in your relationship make the relationship stronger. If you stay negative, talk negative and make your partner negative, the negativity will break your relationship. And to not let the negativity kill the love, you have to continuously believe that your relationship is going to last forever. Otherwise, it wouldn’t work as much as you expect.

- Support their interests
So many relationships fail because of the other person’s interests. Just because we do not like the likings of the other person, we make it a big deal. You have to support, understand and be with them for whatever they want to do with their lives.
You are nobody to stop them. They will learn themselves if they are doing the wrong thing. But if you hit them with the negativity, insecurities, and disappointments, they might lose interest in you. And you will gradually start to lose them.
So, to make the relationship work, love what they love and you will see the support in return.
- Make sure to keep up with them
We usually get too involved in work out of responsibilities. That is fine. But, in this process, we forget to keep up with our partners.
Sometimes they are going through lot, but we don’t realize. We work, come home, eat and sleep. We do not bother to have a real conversation with the other one. And these conversations might make you realize that how much they have been holding inside.
Keeping up with your partner is freaking very important so as to make your relationship stronger. Because without having conversation, you all might get distant, which will ultimately destroy the relationship.

- Go for a stronger emotional bond
An emotional bond also means to have strong intimacy in your relationship. A regular sex creates emotional bond. So, if you take a break or do it weekly or monthly so as to maintain the spark, then you might see the other one getting distant.

In every relationship, one of the two is too much into their partner. They look forward for a regular physical relationship. So, to just maintain the spark, you might unknowingly hurt them and it may create distance between you all.
So basically, to make your relationship stronger, you must consider creating a stronger emotional bond as well.
Remember, ‘A relationship is what makes you, and a relationship is what destroys you. There lies two
Rukayya Zirapurpath and you got to choose only one’
Click here to read “How do I know if I am the problem in my relationship?”
It’s really helpful dear..U r explained things so nicely…U r very good writer..Keep it up.
Thank you, Sarika
Thanks mam usefully tips
Glad to hear that 🙂